Thursday, March 18, 2010

Books you are reading.

I was reading a book about book on a spur wanted to start one of my own.Wanted to know what other bookworms are reading? What books would you suggest for future reading?

Talk about what you like about a book you are reading / read in the past, your fave authors.

I just finished
1. "Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons" by LORNA LANDVIK
Its about Five women who live in Freesia Court who start a book-club sharing desserts, laughter and their lives. It has the very essence of friendship, sisterhood who despite the secrets in lives,share ever moment as neighbours.
My Opinion of the Book: Enjoyed everybit of it. A definite read for fun.

2. "Family Tree" by CAROLE CADWALLADR
Rebecca Monroe is terrified of turning into her mother. On the day Lady Diana married Prince Charles, Rebecca’s mother locked herself in the bathroom of 24 Beech Drive and never came out. Was it because the holiday dinner didn’t turn out just right? Because Rebecca’s grandmother married her first cousin? Or was she simply, unalterably unhappy? According to Rebecca’s scientist husband, our genes control our fate, but Rebecca isn’t so sure. Leaving everything to science allows little room for the events that shape our lives. Looking for clues in a family history filled with three generations of mistaken marriages, dubiously fathered children, and hand-me-down sayings, Rebecca discovers she is just one piece of a family history that is still unraveling—and she wonders if events of the past are destined to repeat themselves in her own child’s future. The intertwining relationships of mothers and daughters, sisters and brothers, and husbands and wives go to the heart of The Family Tree as it transcends the story of one woman and her family to become an indelible and resonant novel in which author Carole Cadwalladr ponders what truly makes us who we are.

My Opinion of the Book: Very slow moving for the first couple of chapters. The Genetics part description of the older Rebecca was kinda interesting.On the whole the book was an OK read.


  1. I'm currently reading the Twilight Series.......n doing so I just realized what a hopeless romantic I am. I wish there is a truth to vampires, werewolves and all other magical creatures. The world seems quite magnificenteven by the thought of it being possible. God save me from my madness..............

    Thanks a ton for the books.


  2. Haha I wish too...I loved d movies, yet to read them though....Im more of M&B fan
