Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Baby Words

"Appy bai,appy bai"....were the first new words i heard from my lil one.Im so excited to hear these. I have been teaching him to say boy but where did the "appy" come from? It was THE best way to start my morning. These days he has been imitating a lot.

Just the other day Pras was playing "Anbil avan" song from VTV. This version of the song had no actual video just the movie poster.Next thing, we see is Shanky tugging on Pras's sleeve and showing him "Kiss" and asking him to play that song.Not understanding what he was saying, we played a petting zoo song with a monkey kissing the camera."Naaaaaaaaa" he screamed.After trying a couple of his other regular songs, we played "Anbil Avan" the original song, he started to clap and kiss and point out to the about boys being boys.....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Read With Me

Hi book lovers, I would love people to read this book with me. Once you finish the book, lets have a discussion about the book. Anyone up for it? Do put your name in the comments and lets get going.

Read With Me

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Books you are reading.

I was reading a book about book on a spur wanted to start one of my own.Wanted to know what other bookworms are reading? What books would you suggest for future reading?

Talk about what you like about a book you are reading / read in the past, your fave authors.

I just finished
1. "Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons" by LORNA LANDVIK
Its about Five women who live in Freesia Court who start a book-club sharing desserts, laughter and their lives. It has the very essence of friendship, sisterhood who despite the secrets in lives,share ever moment as neighbours.
My Opinion of the Book: Enjoyed everybit of it. A definite read for fun.

2. "Family Tree" by CAROLE CADWALLADR
Rebecca Monroe is terrified of turning into her mother. On the day Lady Diana married Prince Charles, Rebecca’s mother locked herself in the bathroom of 24 Beech Drive and never came out. Was it because the holiday dinner didn’t turn out just right? Because Rebecca’s grandmother married her first cousin? Or was she simply, unalterably unhappy? According to Rebecca’s scientist husband, our genes control our fate, but Rebecca isn’t so sure. Leaving everything to science allows little room for the events that shape our lives. Looking for clues in a family history filled with three generations of mistaken marriages, dubiously fathered children, and hand-me-down sayings, Rebecca discovers she is just one piece of a family history that is still unraveling—and she wonders if events of the past are destined to repeat themselves in her own child’s future. The intertwining relationships of mothers and daughters, sisters and brothers, and husbands and wives go to the heart of The Family Tree as it transcends the story of one woman and her family to become an indelible and resonant novel in which author Carole Cadwalladr ponders what truly makes us who we are.

My Opinion of the Book: Very slow moving for the first couple of chapters. The Genetics part description of the older Rebecca was kinda interesting.On the whole the book was an OK read.

Friday, February 5, 2010


When I look back at the four years,
Spent together with heartwarming freshness--
Chatting away for hours;
Laughing at all silly jokes;
Playing the innumerable pranks;
Finally getting punished for all this;
Fighting, for god knows what;
Making up peace at our own pace;
The coffees and pasteries we savoured;
The times our bikes got TIGER-ed;
The everyday joys and sorrows shared;
All these days have helped me
To understand all the wonderful people;
FRIENDS who are for life.


I know its that time of the year --
When I have to walk along a seperate path.
When I have realised your preciousness.
When I want to spend more time with U,
But have very little left.
When I want to clutch every second you are with me.
When I want again all the time
We shared our laughters and tears.
When I want to depend more on you.
When I want to fight again with you for silly stuffs.
When I want to play more pranks on you.
When I want to crack silly jokes at you.
But our togetherness time is up.
I have to move to another world,
For a new set of people
And start a new, big and matured life.


HOPE is in...
... a smiling face,
... a motherly hug,
... a warm handshake,
... a pair of sparkling eyes,
... a true friend,
... love in one's heart,
... the elegant sunshine,
... a blooming flower,
... a buzzing bee,
... a colorful butterfly,
... a fresh new leaf,
... smell of wet earth,
... dew drops on a leaf,
... chirping little birdies,
... a bright blue sky,
... a gurgling river,
... the lone north star,
... silence of the night,
... ticking of a clock,
... a new dawn,
... a HAPPY U.


I'm happy I have crossed,
The first turbulence in my life,
Holding onto a log of hope,
And my huge inner strength,
Praying every minute.
Alas, he has helped me wash ashore,
Across the vast ocean successfully.

I'm happy I have reached,
The very horizon of one endless dark tunnel,
Holding onto the light of hope,
And my huge inner strength.
Nevertheless, my prayers are answered,
For now all I see ahead,
Is a bloom of bright sunshine.

Thought the waters were rough
And the tunnel pitch dark,
They have taught me to live life.
My unconditional faith in GOD,
His messenger to me - HOPE,
And my strength - CONFIDENCE
Can make me overcome any barrier.

Friday, January 29, 2010


R eyes may part,

R ways may part,

R visions may part,

R goals may part,

R togetherness may part,

R souls may part,

But all times apart,

I'll always have

R FRIENDSHIP at heart.


I hear the pitter-patter,
Beating against my plants.
The rain seems to pat them,
Pat its long lost friends.
Bringing joy to the on-lookers too.

It seems to lash softly for an hour,
Then its drained off its sources.
My plants now look lush green,
With tiny beady tear drops
On missing their wonderful friend.

"Worry not my little plants,
They'll be back in a day or so."
Then slowly the sun peeps,
Shyly from behind the clouds,
Spreading her warmth all around.

The tears  seem to sparkly on plants
And the cool breeze making them dance,
To shed the heaviness in their hearts,
Due to the lost friend.
Together they wipe the tears.

The tears are wiped and dried,
From the hearts of my plants,
As every true friend does
To bring back the joy and happiness
In my plants' brief sad times.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


My eyes seems to flutter
When I see U.

My heart seems to beat louder
When I sense U.

My tongue seems to be tied
When I hear U.

My presence seems to be lost to this world
When I dream U.

I seem to sense U a mile away,
By your ever radiant smile,
And by my love-stricken heart,

'Coz Cupid has aimed his arrow,
At me
And at U.


When I cry,
I see him in my tears.
When I am happy,
I see him twinkle in my eyes.
When in distress,
I feel his caring hands on my shoulder.
When I am ill,
I feel him apply a soothing balm.
When I talk,
I feel he's the one talking for me.
I seem to think of nobody but him.
I feel his eyes on me always.
I know alas I'm in love,
Love with my own life;
For I have found him--
The one whom I can trust,
Care for and understand.
He will be my only love,
Now and Forever.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The air around me is a chill,
With hardly any vegetation.
I begin my journey hereforth.
I start trickling inbetween rocks
Making the moss dance in tune.

I flow slowly down the icy mount
And hop into the deep green gorge.
I beat against the giant rocks
Escaping from their clutches
And continue my journey.

I flow thru' a beautiful county,
Where little children play happily,
Their feet and hands splash me around.
I sparkle like diamonds on the ground.
They bring me the very thrill.

I flow thru' a small farm,
Where horses and cows and ducks,
Drink me and play in me.
Where little fishes and pebbles make me colorful,
And I'm still not tired of my journey.

I flow across a religious city,
Where both the young and old,
Cleanse in me and wash their sins.
While I pay my rightful homage,
To my creator I'm grateful.

I ultimately meet in the sea,
Where all my siblings are.
Yet I continue to flow thru' my life,
Day in and day out,
For I'm on my eternal journey.


I spotted him at a distance

While driving down the road;

He seems to be waiting for me

But run afar as I go near.

It seems tiring to catch him.

I go chasing far an whole hour,

But he is as fast as me.

As I tire of the chase,

He atlast seems to fade.

He is nothing but a MIRAGE!


He's there around me always,
Though I feel he needn't be.
He's doing nice things for me whenever,
Though not in a way to please me
But only push me deeper into trouble.
His words seem to be coated,
Coated with sweet sugar.
But it ultimately tastes itself
As bitter as freshest neem.
It hurts me and my soul
And only my feelings alone.
He shows his true colours
By harming me always.
I try to forgive him wholeheartedly,
But alas! I am just any human.


Friends are like a strong bunch,
Of sweet fragrant flowers.
They have to be nutured,
With luv, care and trust.
Though each flower is unique
In its fragrance and hue.
Bundled together they are a beauty
Never let that lovely bunch
Wither and fall apart;
'Coz the same friendship
Can never bloom or tied back again.


Oh  dear,
When I'm talking to U,
The coffee we have tastes less sweeter,
The roses in the garden seems less brighter,
The laughter's mesmerizing,
BUT, I know not U.

When I think about the time we spent,
It seems to have a sweet smell,
The fragrance is tantalizing,
The daisies seem less bloomed than my face,
BUT, I know not U.

Day in and day out,
I try to think who U are,
The thoughts of U during my times of sadness,
Seems to refresh me, my mind,
BUT, alas I know who U are--


Walking alone was I,
When he gave me a glance.
Ignoring him continued I
But he put me in a trance.

He was all burning gold,
Giving life in every soul.
Squirming my eyes I bowed,
Never dare again to stare.

The lovely touch-me-nots,
Opened up without a shy.
The gurgling river,
Flowed like an elegant princess.

The tweety birds up in their nests,
Chirped loudly as if in a yawn.
To remind the beautiful world,
That its another new bright dawn.

Towards dusk a colorful silent war,
Between the sun and the pearly moon.
But the fire's fading power,
Lead to the glorious victory of the other.

The creamy white moon,
Took her rightful place.
Gleeing with infectious happiness,
Upon her wonderous victory.

Scattered around her are loyal stars,
Shining high, clear and bright.
Adding specks of glory,
To the vast barren expanse.

Quiet was the whole world,
All creatures sound asleep.
Caring are the lovely stars,
Twinkling heavenly thru' out the hours.

Towards the other new dawn,
Vanished the specks of candles.
To hide, behind the big golden glow,
Who is shining fiercely, far and wide.

Monday, January 11, 2010


On a lovely spring eve,
I stood on a lonely shore;
Watching the giant ball on his way home,
Gracefully kissing the magnificent blue
Instantly she blushed pink,
Oh! What a ROMANTIC sight.

Lining the horizon were a dozen boats
With its fishermen and the day's catch;
The children jumping gaily on their return,
The wives thanking god for their husband's return
The fish-mongers satisfied with the catch,
Oh! What a JOYOUS sight.

Then the moon elegantly arrives,
Wearing a lovely necklace of pearls;
Filling the sky with diamond specks,
The world resting the night
And everything around is calm,
Oh! What a PEACEFUL sight.

Hey! Say who wouldn't love this
When the earth's a charming heaven
Let's enjoy the heavenly earth's beauty
And we'll feel on top of the world!