Thursday, January 14, 2010


The air around me is a chill,
With hardly any vegetation.
I begin my journey hereforth.
I start trickling inbetween rocks
Making the moss dance in tune.

I flow slowly down the icy mount
And hop into the deep green gorge.
I beat against the giant rocks
Escaping from their clutches
And continue my journey.

I flow thru' a beautiful county,
Where little children play happily,
Their feet and hands splash me around.
I sparkle like diamonds on the ground.
They bring me the very thrill.

I flow thru' a small farm,
Where horses and cows and ducks,
Drink me and play in me.
Where little fishes and pebbles make me colorful,
And I'm still not tired of my journey.

I flow across a religious city,
Where both the young and old,
Cleanse in me and wash their sins.
While I pay my rightful homage,
To my creator I'm grateful.

I ultimately meet in the sea,
Where all my siblings are.
Yet I continue to flow thru' my life,
Day in and day out,
For I'm on my eternal journey.


  1. last 7 rachanegaLalli.... this seems to have the most depth.. not lured into rhymes, complicated words. acchukaTTaada.. uttamavaada rachane!
